Well, for the second year in a row, I headed up to Maryland for the fiber festival of all fiber festivals, Maryland Sheep & Wool. It was pretty frickin' awesome.
Like last year, I drove up on Saturday morning, so by the time I drove from Durham to Alexandria to pick up Laura P., drove to the Howard County Fairgrounds, and parked (yikes!), it was about 2:30. By this time, we were famished, so our first priority was eating. Lamb.
After round one of eating festival food, it was time to fight the crowds and buy some yarn!
I'm not kidding when I say "crowds." Below is the main exhibition hall around 3:00 pm on Saturday.
It was worth it, because we saw a lot of this:
And this:
But it was hot out. Just ask Laura.
So it was time to get a little of this:
Thirty seconds later, my peanut-butter-dipped-chocolate-soft-serve-cone looked like this:
After dropping a bunch of money on yarn to make things I don't have time to make, we headed back to the hotel. Laura P.'s cousin and aunt had come down from Delaware, so we had ourselves an awesome little girls night. You know you're going to have an awesome time when you just go ahead and call a cab to get to where you're going!
On Sunday, we headed back out to finalize our MDSW stash (to be detailed in my next post). We did have time to check out the sheep dog demonstration.
Border collies are amazing. Dogs in general are amazing. I love dogs. (Click photo to view entirely.)
To summarize, we ate, we bought, we conquered. And we got sunburned.
Can't wait until next year!
Yum! There's nothing better than lamb cooked right. I may be having some tonight - followed by Ice Cream!! :)